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    After Hours Area (AHA!) - Now Ready for Use

    After Hours Area (AHA!) - Now Ready for Use

    We won't talk about how many months it took for us to get our After Hours Area done and make it ready for use.  We will just celebrate the fact that we got it done!

    If you are planning your jobs and can't make it in during the day to pick up your part, give us a call or place your order online and ask to have the order put in our After Hours Area!  We will process your order and give you a code that you can use to pick up your order late at night, early in the morning, or even on the weekend.  

    Also remember, if you can't make it here for a will call, we ship items out everyday via UPS and some items can be sent via courier if you are stuck on a job site and would like your parts to arrive the same day, while you are still there.

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